Brikwars TL2 Game June 30, 2001
Once again we all had a fantastic time. This was our first attempt at having preset teams with preset goals.
First we had Team A who's goal was to keep the princes they had captured as part of the lead-in story line to the game. Their position was more defensive. Their champion was a Shuriken chuckin', Golden Masked she warrior that was downright deadly to archers and not much better to standard troops.
Second we had Team B who's goal was to rescue the princes. They had a numerical advantage and were on the offense throughout. Their small Ninja faction was a surprise to Team A.
During the course of battle both teams champions bought the big dirt nap in a desperate move by Team A to get Team B's champion off of their fort. Team A's champion built up as much speed as possible to push Team B's Champion over the edge of a cliff but in so doing their Champion also went over the edge in a last bit of glory.
Among other highlights were a Hatchet wielding Hero of Team B's which ravaged a soldier and one of Team A's Heroes so badly they resorted to killing him with a catapult (very messy). There was also some Greek fire dumped on some approaching troops that one horse actually survived but was set aflame and spent a couple of turns running around a ball of fire.
There were spectacular moments for both sides and disappointing ones as well. Team A made a mistake having an entire battalion of archers to far off to the side and therefore never saw action.
While no official victor was named there was a slight consensus that Team B held a slight advantage at the end.
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