Train Time in Wenham

How do NELUG members kick off school vacation week? By bringing our trains to the Wenham Museum on 132 Main St, Wenham, MA. We will be there this Saturday and Sunday, February 18th and 19th, from 10:00 till 4:00. Come see our display featuring a sky scraper or two, a castle, a carnival, and maybe even an enchanted forest. Who knows? And trains, of course. Lots of trains. Hope to see you there.
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Pre-Holiday Fun


Looking for something fun to do this weekend before the craziness of the holiday season? Come see our display at the Greenberg Toy and Train Show in Wilmington, MA. All the event info can be found here.

Our display includes a city, castle, carnival, and of course, trains. Didn't know LEGO makes trains? Well, they do. Come see some of their latest offerings and what you can make from your own imagination. Hope to see you there!

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Another holiday, another chance for NELUG to display

It's St. Patrick's Day and Evacuation Day this weekend. In between parades and corn beef dinners, why not come to see our latest display? NELUG will be exhibiting at the Greenberg Toy and Train Show at the Shriner's Autidorium in Wilmington, MA. The show runs from 10:00 to 4:00 Saturday and Sunday.

For more information go to the Shriner's website: <a href=""></a>;
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Everything is Awesome at BrickFair


If you are the area of Manchester, NH this weekend, visit BrickFair New England at the Raidisson Hotel. If you are not in the area, plan to be. NELUG will have a town and train display and many NELUG members, along with other talented builders from New England and all over the country, will be showing off their latest creations. There will also be vendors, games, and other activities. Details can be found here:

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From Farm to Table by Train

That is the theme this year for the Wenham Museum's annual Train Time exhibit, so we are adding our two cents with a rural train layout. NELUG will be at the Wenham Museum in Wenham, MA this Saturday and, weather permitting, Sunday. Please come by and say Hello.
UPDATE: The museum is planning to close on Sunday, so if you want to see aliens farming giant carrots, Saturday is your only chance.
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BrickFair NE, Here We Come!

Come one, come all to the second annual BrickFair NE, a LEGO fan convention conveniently located right in our backyard at the Radisson Hotel Manchester in Manchester, NH. Public hours are 11:00am - 4:00pm this Saturday and Sunday, 10-11 May. NELUG will be displaying another awesome city and train layout, and many of our members will be contributing MOCs (my own creation) to the display. Details about the event are on the BrickFair website at <a href=""></a>;

So pack up Mom and treat her to an awesome display of LEGO Awesomeness this weekend at BrickFair NE!
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the Burlington LEGO store!

Saturday, October 12, the LEGO Store is celebrating being at the Burlington Mall for ten years and NELUG will be there to help. Join us on the ground floor near the info desk. There will be a Great Ball Contraption. Come watch us run around chasing LEGO soccer balls as they try to escape. Ever want to see a classic Pointillist painting represented as a LEGO mosaic? Now is your chance. Or try your hand at building your own mini mosaic. There will also be mini models which you can build and take home with you. It all starts at 10:00 AM. We hope to see you there.
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